International Certificate of Christian Education

Requirements for Course Completion

A course will be considered complete when all applicable courses, tests and coursework projects/essays have been completed. Results will only be finalised and issued once internal and external moderation have been completed and ICCE personnel are satisfied that all requirements have been met.

Process for applying for a certificate

Application for a certificate can be made online by the school or home education academy (HEA) coordinator. Where access to the online application system is limited, application may also be made in writing by submitting the Student Enrolment and Course Completion Form, along with the relevant supporting documentation, which includes:

  • A copy of the student’s SAR (Student Assessment Record)
  • Any work that has not yet been externally moderated (with applicable forms)
  • Copies of any relevant transcripts, reports or certificates (e.g. approved Music exams)
  • A copy of the student’s passport or other legal document identifying the student

More details on this process can be found in the ICCE Procedures Manual. 

*Note: The online application process is in Beta testing and will be made available soon. Until then, please make application in writing. 

Ongoing Enrolment

If a student is continuing to the next certificate level, application for enrolment for the applicable certificate should be made at this time.

Issuing of Certificates

Once application for a certificate has been made, please allow 6 weeks for the ICCE Office to accurately evaluate the application and issue this certificate.

Once approved, the student will be sent a security-protected certificate and a transcript of results. Some regions may require certificates to be sent to the National Coordinator in batches, in which case this person will send the certificate on to the student once received.

Security-Protected Certificates

ICCE certificates are protected according to industry norms and include several security features to prevent against fraud. 

A detailed log is also kept of all certificates issued, and education providers or prospective employers may contact the ICCE Office to confirm whether the certificate they have been shown is genuine.

Record of Achievement Folder

All initial certificates will be presented in a burgundy folder, called a Record of Achievement. This folder will include the student’s certificate, transcript, and details of the courses completed.

Subsequent ICCE certificates and records of any other achievements, as well as the student’s personal statement and employment history can be added to this folder to build a portfolio for presentation to education providers and prospective employers.

Post-Result Services

Further and Higher Education Help

ICCE is available to assist students who wish to pursue studies in further and higher education at any level. If you need assistance with gaining access to university, apprenticeships or colleges, please contact the ICCE office. 

Result Queries

ICCE is careful to ensure that all certificates issued accurately reflect the results achieved. However, school or HEA coordinators may submit queries about results online or by emailing


If you would like to appeal the outcome of any enquiries about results, you may do so by following our Appeals Procedure, which can be requested from the ICCE Office.